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April 27-29, 2017

Université Bretagne Sud, Lorient, Finistère, France & Landévennec Abbey, Finistère, France

Title: Familles, pouvoirs et foi en Bretagne et dans l’Europe de l’Ouest à l’époque médiévale (Ve – XVe siècle) / Families, powers and faith in Brittany and Western Europe in the Middle Ages (5th-15th centuries)

May 5-6, 2016

University of Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga, Canada &
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Title: Monastères, convergences, échanges et  confrontations dans l’Ouest de l’Europe au Moyen Âge/Monasteries, convergences, exchanges and confrontations in the West of Europe in the Middle Ages 

In May 2016 we held a joint colloquium with the University of Toronto and University of Toronto Mississauga. The first day (Thursday May 5) was held at University of Toronto Mississauga and the second day (Friday May 6) at the St George campus of the University of Toronto.

Possible future event

York University, Toronto, Canada

Title: Accounting for the present and the beyond – inventories, wills, gifts and prayers in the West of Europe XIIth-XVth century / Comptabilité du présent et de l’au-delà – inventaires, testaments, offrandes et prières, XIIe-XVe siècle.

This event was previously planned for May 2020.

Updated on March 31st, 2021.